Energy saving solutions for public lighting and outdoor lighting

Payback Time < 3 years

Up to 35% savings
The regulation of the luminous flux of the public lighting lamps makes it possible to carry out important energy savings, during the periods of weak circulation of the people.
This technology is based on the controlled regulation of lamp voltages. It improves the power factor of the installation and does not generate any harmonic pollution.
In addition to achieving great energy savings, it guarantees active protection against overvoltage and increases the life of the lamps, with consequent savings on maintenance costs.
Our solutions can be equipped with a remote monitoring and surveillance system that allows both local access and remote access via an Ethernet connection.
The equipment can be installed next to existing lighting control panels or integrated into them.
Benefits of our solutions
- Great energy savings, up to 35%;
- Compatible with SHP and Mercury lamps;
- Maintains uniform lighting;
- Extends the life of the lamps;
- Reduced maintenance costs;
- Improves the power factor of the installation;
- Does not introduce harmonics into the mains;
- Fully modular equipment;
- Smart operation;
- High efficiency > 98%;
- Local or remote programming;
- Configuration and independent regulation per phase.
Application Types



Infrastruc-ture (Ports, Airports,...)

Mines & Careers

Outdoor lighting
Our approach
An initial meeting with the client allows us to determine his objectives in terms of optimization as well as the possible scenarios for the management of outdoor lighting.
The survey of the existing situation is the next step in our approach: type and number of lamps installed, unit power, distribution architecture, power per control box, etc. Network analyzer measurements can be considered at this stage of the process.
Following this, we give you a detailed report including the description of the proposed solution with the envisaged gains in energy, on which we commit ourselves.