Study of compensation and filtering of harmonics

Harmonic analysis and filtering

High levels of current and/or harmonic voltage impact the performance of sensitive systems, and reduce the reliability of the installation. We offer survey and modeling services, in addition to analysis of your network, which provide detailed and reliable information on how to eliminate harmonics or reduce their impact on your installation, with the best quality/cost ratio.

Harmonics, a major source of disturbances

Only a few years ago, the phenomenon of harmonics was not considered very much, because their effects on networks were generally not very important. But the arrival in force of power electronics in receivers has strongly amplified the phenomenon in all sectors of activity.

Thus, the harmonic currents circulating in the networks deteriorate the quality of the energy, and are thus at the origin of many nuisances:

  • Overloading distribution networks by increasing the effective current (RMS),
  • Overload of neutral conductors due to the summation of 3rd harmonics created by single-phase loads
  • Overload, vibration and aging of alternators, transformers, motors, transformer hum
  • Overload and aging of reactive energy compensation capacitors,
  • Distortion of the supply voltage that can disturb sensitive receivers,
  • Disruption of communication networks or telephone lines

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Economic impact of disturbances due to harmonics

Harmonics have an important economic impact:

  • The premature aging of the material leads to its replacement earlier, unless it was initially oversized
  • Network overloads make it necessary to increase the subscribed power, and imply, unless the installations are oversized, additional losses.
  • Current distortions causing nuisance tripping and shutdown of production facilities


  • A proven expertise in the field and a know-how recognized on the market
  • More than 80 missions carried out for over 13 years with great success
  • State-of-the-art measuring equipment (class A) and in large numbers: Circutor, A-Eberle, Fluke
  • Modelling and simulation software for LV and MV: Etap, Digsilent,
  • Strong partnerships with the world’s leading manufacturers of harmonic filtering solutions
  • Remote monitoring and power monitoring services
  • Guarantee on the result – double guarantee on the material

Our expertise, at your service

Thanks to an expertise acquired after several years spent helping industrial customers and building managers to fight against the scourge of harmonics, ELEXPERT is able to take charge of your problem whatever its level of complexity. And with the support of our partners, we are able to provide the best solutions at the best possible cost.